A Piece of Ancient Wisdom
An introduction to the explanation of The Triangle of Life.
In this subtract of Hatha Yoga, taken from lectures of Swami Vishnudevananda, it is subtly described what pure consciousness means according to Yoga.
Only when we disconnect from the physical senses, can we start to understand the concept of Soul or Spirit.

Yoga and the Triangle of Life
You have an outer experience defined by the five senses, which are seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting. But when you sit in darkness with eyes closed for five minutes, you shut off the sense world. Now you cannot see, hear, touch, smell, or taste, you have an inner experience. You are not dead because you cannot see the outside world. You are alive. You are an individual personality. That experience of “I” cannot be destroyed because you shut off your five senses. You are aware, you have an awareness that you exist.
Even if you are blind, you can feel that “I am”. Even if you do not remember your name, you will still feel that “I am”. This “I” does not need a name, nor qualities or personality to survive. It is pure consciousness, not intellectual consciousness. Pure consciousness is awareness without a name, a form or a quality. That “I” is called Soul or Spirit. While this “I” does not change, body and mind do undergo unavoidable changes described in yoga as “the Triangle of Life”
Hatha Yoga
Inspirations from a Master
Lectures by Swami Vishnudevananda