Let’s start by how we see ourselves, by how we constantly compare our unique shape and essence with the rest of the world.
We all have different genes, habits, routines, and mostly, we all have lived different experiences, which make our bodies react on many different ways, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
We are basically the combination of so many things, it would be completely impossible to get the exact same results we see others get when going on a trend, trying a new diet, exercise, or therapy.
So, let’s actually start by getting to know ourselves, be present, pay attention, and take the time to analyse, before getting to the wrong conclusions.

You are already a walking miracle 😊, honour and respect your body, and you will see what you believed impossible happen ✨
In this section I will be publishing articles or recipes written by me, with the knowledge I receive in The School of Health, London, as well as sharing research done by experts in the field, with useful information for you, for us.
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