
10 Minutes Morning Meditation

Being Present in Our Body

Hello, I would like to guide you today on this morning Meditation, helping you start your day being more self-aware, more connected, with the intention of bringing presence to every moment of the day, and with this gratitude and joy.

Sit in a comfortable position; it can be on the floor or on a chair if it’s more comfortable for you. Make sure your back is straight, your shoulders relaxed, chin parallel to the floor. And being conscious of your surroundings, gently close your eyes.

Take 3 deep breaths, inhaling trough your nose, exhaling through your mouth. Every time slower, appreciating the soothing effect of every breath.

Now, bring the attention to your feet, how do they feel today? Are they sore? Are they rested? Can you feel the temperature of the floor or carpet? And let’s remember how much they serve us, how much on a daily basis they support us, they help us move around, they carry the weight of our entire body. Send them love, and feel grateful to have them.

Start moving to your ankles, your calves and your knees. How are they today? See how they connect in perfect harmony to help us move, to help us bend our legs so we can rest and sit, how when perfectly aligned, they can do so much for us. Send them love, and feel grateful to have them.

Keep scanning your body on the way up, and find your thighs, how do they feel today? Relaxed? Tense? And appreciate that together with our buttocks, containing the largest muscles and bones in our body, bring us so much strength, to walk, to jump, to support other body parts that need that strength. Send them love, and feel grateful to have them.

Now you are in your abdomen, and your lower back, how do they feel today? They have been working together to protect each other. They take the weight we carry; making sure their balanced work strengthens you more every time. Send them love, and feel grateful to have them.

You should be reaching your chest and upper back now, how are they doing today? Making sure we have a smooth process when breathing, and helping us move our arms, they have a valuable function. Send them love, and feel grateful to have them.

How about your hands? Your arms? How are they feeling today? With the responsibility of doing so many things every day, writing, typing, cooking, creating, we really underestimate them. Send them love, and feel grateful to have them.

It comes then the neck and shoulders, while taking so much tension, they barely ever relax. So, take this opportunity to pay attention to them, remember to ease them up the next time they ask for it. Send them love, and feel grateful to have them.

Now, that we you have reached your face, your entire head. How are they doing today? This is where most of your senses are allocated; this is where your brain spends its time sending signals to every part of your body, all the time. Take care of them. Send them love, and feel grateful to have them.

Now, imagine a bright white and yellow light, coming from the sky, and slowly going from your head all the way down to your feet. Starting to bath your body with energy, with vitality, preparing every single part of it for the day ahead.

And breath, give yourself some love, and feel grateful to be living.

You can now start moving your fingers, your toes, and on your own time open your eyes. Feel sure that you are ready to start the day